The Labs


The Labs

After forming the Hubs, and creating the Platform, now it’s time to implement the knowledge learnt and see its impact on the Labs.

The Labs will be run in Hungary, Ireland, Spain and Finland. They are represented by some classes in primary and secondary schools. These classes will take part in a special ‘OTTER’ programme that will include activities such as a beach clean, a museum visit, an upcycling workshop and much more.


Spain Finland Hungary Ireland

Age group
9-11, 16-18

Age group
9-11, 12-15

Age group
6-8, 12-15

Age group
6-8, 16-18


The Purpose

With the Labs we can measure and evaluate key findings, meaning we can address country-specific challenges and directly learn from four different education systems.


The Structure

The Labs programme will be structured in four parts, and this will be mirrored in the length of the programme: four days.