OTTER newsletter

Dear reader,

It has been a busy start of the year! From launching a new series of videos interviewing experts to developing maps, conducting a webinar with one of our advisory board members, writing blog posts and working on deliverables, and last but not least, taking part in our first review meeting - there is just SO MUCH to share from us OTTERs.

As a matter of fact, we are now in the most exciting phase of any project: the part where we get to apply what we've learned at the end of extensive research and see the impact of OTTER first-hand, in schools around Europe and within our Hub community.

May you have the most magical spring!

The OTTER team

New video series launched!
5 questions with...

In OTTER, we have the unique opportunity to interact with a multitude of ambitious and innovative projects, take part in great events, and meet renowned practitioners in the field. This is why we decided to launch the "5 questions with" video series, where we discuss with these experts various topics related to Education Outside the Classroom, aiming to inspire teachers to learn more about the methodology and make use of it with their students.

So far, we have conducted two interviews:

  1. Episode 1 - 5 questions with Station Europe on Women and Girls in Science & IT
  2. Episode 2 - 5 questions with Marcia Eugenio on Garden-Based Learning

Go check them out!

Surrounded by science

Do you have some interesting EOC-related topic to share? Then let's get you in the 5 questions with series! Drop us an email to

Our first review meeting!
Check out the project recap
OTTER review meeting

On March 21st, we reunited with our team and our Project Officer for our first review meeting where we looked at the progress we've made, analysed our results and discussed the strategy for the remaining period. Keep reading to see the project's recap and have an overview of everything we've achieved in the project so far.

Ireland's Pilot Activities
OTTER review meeting

Over the past few weeks our Irish teachers from Scoil Íde, Coláiste Nano Nagle and St. Flannans College, have been busy planning Education Outside the Classroom experiences for their students, tackling issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Find out more

Places, sites and programmes for EOC activities in OTTER partner countries
OTTER partner countries

As part of the "Education Outside the Classroom (EOC) accreditation in Europe report" (D5.1) carried out by our partner University of Groningen, a map was developed to show the existing places, sites and programs carrying out EOC activities in OTTER's partner countries.

Webinar alert! Sustainable Development in Education with EduGems

Check out what our advisory board member Marianne Juntunen and the special guests Karla Soto Diaz and Marjo Vesterinen have to say about teaching kids through outdoor education.

In this webinar we discussed how to transform education for achieving a sustainable development, the importance of planetary boundaries, the need of an ecological rebuilding of our societies, and the benefits and outcomes in changing approaches. You can't miss it!

From “What” to “Why”: Pedagogical foundations and benefits of the Education Outside the Classroom
By Mihaela-Viorica Rusitoru (European Science Foundation)
From “What” to “Why”: Pedagogical foundations and benefits of the Education Outside the Classroom
Quality of education and equal access to education are fundamental pillars of our society. To cope with current challenges, such as school dropout, poverty and low proficiency in the 21st century skills, outdoor learning seems to be one of the “newest” solutions….
Phenomenon-based learning, multidisciplinary study units and Education Outside the Classroom
By Johanna Järvinen-Taubert, Elena Chukhlantseva & Päivi Valtonen (Learning Scoop)
Phenomenon-based learning, multidisciplinary study units and Education Outside the Classroom
To deal with today's complex challenges, we must enable students to gain a holistic understanding of the world around them - and this is where phenomenon-based learning can make a difference.
How can STEAM subjects connect to Education Outside the Classroom practices?
By Deirdre O’Neill, Orla McCormack and Regina Kelly (University of Limerick)
How can STEAM subjects connect to Education Outside the Classroom practices?
We, at OTTER, are interested in another layer of EOC practices – How EOC can help to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths subjects?
Let’s talk about plastic! 10+1 ideas to teach about plastic outside of school
By Dina Maniar* & Nathália Helena Azevedo (Wageningen University)
Let’s talk about plastic! 10+1 ideas to teach about plastic outside of school
Can we imagine life without plastic? Think, for example, grocery bags, packing, prosthetics and medical supplies, or rocket nozzles. Plastic is everywhere, and it comes with a long and renowned history.
10 pioneering women in science
(A look back to celebrate the 8th of March, International Women's Day)
10 pioneering women in science
To commemorate the International Women's Day, we decided to reflect on all the amazing women who challenged the status quo, overcame struggles, and achieved spectacular results in science! Don't miss our tiktok video.
Podcast series
To understand and value the world we live in, we need to learn about science, which is why our partner Surrounded by Science launched a new podcast! In each episode, you’ll hear scientists, science communicators, science educators and science enthusiasts from all over the world sharing their stories, views and research on all things science and learning.
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy the read!
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European Commission
This project has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006482.

2023 @ OTTER Project - All rights reserved - -