5 questions with ... Marcia Eugenio Gonzalbo!

Have you heard about Garden-Based Learning? Why is it such a powerful tool for teaching science education? Discover this and more with Professor Marcia Eugenio Gonzalbo from the University of Valladolid, specialized on Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Social Sciences & Mathematics!

In our "5 questions with..." series, we bring now the topic of Garden-Based Learning as a tool for implementing Education Outside the Classroom. 

In this episode, Marcia talks to us about:

  • the unexpected connections between gardens and science education
  • the ideal age at which children should experience and benefit from garden-based learning
  • why it's important to teach children about sustainability 
  • how teachers could adapt if they don't have access to a garden. 

Don't miss it! Check it out below. 



5 questions with ... Marcia Eugenio Gonzalbo!