Exploring local ecosystems
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics in Various Natural Habitats
suggested - 1 session (field exploration) - 2 weeks (pre-task assessment) - 4 weeks (post-task assessment and field guide completion)
Learning objectives:
1. Identify and document organisms in different local natural habitats
2. Develop observational and note-taking skills
3. Formulate questions about organisms and their ecosystems
4. Create a field guide to share knowledge with peers
Description of the learning process and activities:
Teachers provide a brief instruction on biodiversity, ecosystems, and the importance of observation. Children (9-11 years) explore various natural habitats around the school (school pond, local woodland, hedgerow along a bridleway, and rocky shore) to identify and document organisms. Students make observations, take photographs, and make notes about the appearance and location of organisms. They are encouraged to formulate questions about the organisms encountered. Using their photographs and observations, students collaboratively create a field guide during the following weeks. The guide should be designed to be informative and useful for other children visiting the site. Before the task, students complete a pre-assessment to test their ecological knowledge. A post-assessment is conducted four weeks after the task to observe the impact of learning through ecological fieldwork. This project not only enhances students' understanding of local ecosystems but also fosters a sense of responsibility for the environment. The creation of a field guide encourages collaborative learning and the sharing of knowledge within the school community.
Other organisations involved:
Local environmental organizations for guidance and potential guest speakers
Resources required:
1. Cameras or smartphones for photographing organisms
2. Notebooks for recording observations and questions
3. Art supplies for creating the field guide
4. Access to various natural habitats around the school
5. Assessment tools for pre and post-assessments
Other remarks:
Activity based the research published in