Read about our findings and some tips on science education

Pursued synergies among STEAM-related EU-funded projects

"Beyond the classroom: rethinking STEAM education" conference reunites sister projects, open schooling initiatives, and EOC enthusiasts in Brussels

The OTTER Hub held its final event online (31 January 2024)

"Beyond the classroom: rethinking STEAM education" conference (15 February 2024, Brussels)
Join us, along with partners from the Open Schooling Together network, for a conference exploring pathways to innovate STEAM education through education outside the classroom practices.

New OTTER graphic showcasing the possibilities of EOC

Global challenges, local solutions: the role of out-of-school education in addressing the SDG6 (Clean Water and Sanitation)
Education Outside the Classroom can help students grasp the crucial role of water in our day-to-day lives and learn about the ways to preserve its health and address other water issues.